Dr. Kristen Nelson is a veterinarian, speaker and author. In 2010, she was diagnosed with cancer by her cat. Because of Tigre's early diagnosis, she is cancer-free today. Her experience as a business owner, clinician and cancer survivor inspires a unique perspective on the human-animal bond and business lessons from the animal kingdom. Animals provide an endless supply of funny stories so audiences of employees, customers, non-profit donors, religious groups and conferences of all types have a fresh and unique speaker in Dr. Nelson. Her media credits include USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, Ladies' Home Journal, Disneyfamily.com and numerous radio and television interviews. Kris and her husband Steve share their home with rescued cats, birds and a dog.
Studies demonstrate that people who live with animals have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels than those who don't. They also report fewer feelings of isolation and loneliness. Why? Because of the human-animal bond, an innate connection between people and animals. Learn what the animals are trying to teach you from an expert with stories to tell.
- Dr. Nelson cares for dogs and cats at Arizona Skies Animal Hospital.
- -Dr. Nelson appeared in a series on cat health for eHow.com. The 12 videos cover a wide range of topics. Here are the links to Hookworm infections in cats, Alopecia in cats and Helping blind cats.

- Corporate Events
- Client Events
- Lunch & Learns
- Book Talks
- Cancer
- Wellness
- Coated With Fur: A Vet's Life
- Coated With Fur: A Blind Cat's Love
- Application guides for Medical, Dental and Veterinary College